5 ways
to prevent a flat head in your baby
Preventiva in samokorekcija
The head of a newborn is highly flexible and can deform easily when subjected to prolonged pressure on a single area.
If you notice a flat spot on your baby's head, try to motivate him to lie on the opposite side most of the time. This will allow the flattened part of the head to catch up with the growth of the other part of the head.
Changing the baby's position is the main thing in preventing and/or self-correcting flat spots. It is recommended that the baby be turned periodically to allow the head to grow as evenly as possible.
When repositioning, parents can help themselves with various pillows, which limit the baby's turning in the crib to some extent. The use of toys, music or color motivations will encourage the baby to turn in the desired direction.
Tummy time
Tummy time is any activity that keeps your baby off its back. You can start doing this a few days after birth. Start with small doses (a few times a day for 2-3 minutes at a time) and gradually increase the time. Support his chest with a pillow or rolled up blanket until he is strong enough to support himself.
Most babies aren't keen on tummy time at first, and some parents tend to skip it. Don't do that - tummy time is very important for their development.
Tummy time is key to avoiding and improving flat spots and developing neck, shoulder and other muscles needed for turning, sitting and crawling and developing basic motor skills. It allows the baby to move its head independently without the help of a parent or caregiver.
Tummy time activities should always be supervised by a parent or other adult/caregiver.
Priporočljivo je, da dojenčki preživljajo čas na trebuhu, ko NE spijo.
Obračanje dojenčka na trebuh je izjemno pomembno pri razvoju dojenčka, hkrati pa pomaga pri preprečevanju zaležanosti glave.
Limit time in car seats, swings and other equipment.
Next to tummy time, this is probably the most important tip. Using carriers and seats for long periods of time - whether your baby is asleep or awake - restricts head movement. Move it to different positions and locations throughout the day - yes, even if that means carrying a sleeping baby from car seat to crib (painful for mommy and daddy, good for a round skull).
In the stroller, pay attention to which way the child is turning. If he looks in the wrong direction, lure him with attached toys on the other side. While driving the car, change the position of the seat from time to time so that the child can look out of the window on both sides.
Change your baby's position in the cradle.
Bebe koje spavaju na trbuhu imaju dvostruko veći rizik od sindroma iznenadne smrti dojenčadi (SIDS). U redu je ako se vaša beba prevrne u druge položaje i nema potrebe da je pomičete ako se to dogodi. No važno je da ga ne stavljate na trbuh od samog početka i obratite pozornost na ostale sigurnosne savjete za spavanje. Kada bebu stavljate u krevet, naizmjence stavljajte njegovu glavu na uzglavnu i nožnu stranu kolijevke. Vaše će dijete prirodno gledati po sobi, pa će ga mijenjanje mjesta u kolijevci potaknuti da okreće glavu u oba smjera.
Always lay the baby down to sleep on its back.
Change the feeding position of your baby.
You may have a favorite position for breastfeeding or a favorite hand for bottle feeding. Change it so your baby turns his head in both directions. Bottle-feeders can also try the hands-free version: sit with your back supported, knees bent, and baby on your legs facing you.
When the head is lying down during feeding or support the child with your hand on the protruding side while holding the child.
Carry your baby in different positions.
Switching between your shoulders and hips while carrying your baby helps him turn both ways to see the world. Carry her belly-down over your arm for support, or carry her facing outward to look around. Just make sure to provide the necessary support for the head and neck.
When you need your hands free, carriers and portable baby carriers are great alternatives to placing your baby on its back.
When babies need a helmet
Don't be scared. Plagiocephaly or brachycephaly will not harm your baby's brain development, and is usually temporary if you use the redirection tips described above. The best time to correct the shape of your baby's head with realignment is in the first few months, when his skull is developing rapidly.
If a few months of repositioning does not improve the shape of the head, your pediatrician may recommend a skull reshaping orthosis, also called a helmet or strap.
Our specialists will help you find out whether a helmet is the right solution or if further repositioning and in some cases physiotherapy will help.