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How helmet therapy  
reshapes the baby's skull

Zaležana glava

U ranoj dobi djetetova glavica vrlo je mekana i podložna preoblikovanju zbog vanjskog pritiska, što može rezultirati zaležanim dijelovima na glavici.

In some cases, especially with moderately to severely prominent flat areas, the condition doesn't resolve on its own. External force has caused this condition, so in some instances, an external force is necessary to correct the shape of the head.

Thus, during the treatment, the helmet gently applies pressure to specific parts of the head. As the head grows with age, the helmet aids in directing the growth of the affected areas into shape.

Gentle, persistent pressures are used to accommodate the natural growth of your baby's head, inhibiting growth in prominent areas and allowing growth in flat regions.

The helmet essentially creates a snug, rounded space for the head to develop. Even if your child continues to rest their head on one side, the helmet will offer cushioning to prevent further flattening of the head.


This corrective method has proven to be successful and is widely practiced around the world, being a consistent practice in reputable children's clinics.

The helmet shapes the head with light pressure

Head illustration ENG.png

When is the best time to begin 
with  treatment?

The helmet is an orthotic device effective only from 4 to 24 months of a baby's age.

The best results are achieved with younger children, from 4 to 8 months old.

Between 0 and 3 months of age, a change in position and tummy time can sometimes correct the shape of the head. Then, their condition should be reassessed to determine whether improvement has occurred or not.

Between 4 and 6+ months of age, brain growth significantly slows down. At this age, infants may not respond as well to repositioning, so their pediatrician may prescribe a helmet.

How many hours a day should a helmet be worn? 

It is advisable to wear the ortho-helmet as much as possible.

For maximum effectiveness, infants typically wear it for 21-23 hours a day.

However, in the first five days, your baby will wear the helmet according to a special schedule to allow their skin to gradually adjust to contact with the helmet.

The duration of helmet wearing will gradually increase, with periodic checks for any redness or changes in skin texture

How long should a helmet be worn?

The average correction time with a helmet is usually 3 to 6 months.

The time of correction depends on the age of the child and the degree of asymmetric head shape. On average, however, a helmet should be worn:


At the age of 4 to 9 months,  the average wearing time is 3 months

At the age of 10-12 months, the average wearing time is 5-6 months

Some children may need more time and another helmet.

At each visit, we will check the child's progress to determine the impact of the helmet.

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